Outdoor cooking fun

Our Scouts recently had a go at cooking on our new firepits – classic sausages and toasted marshmallows for all!
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Cub Camp

At the start of half term our cubs departed for three nights in the Ashdown Forest at Broadstone Warren scout activity centre. They had a fantastic time despite some difficult weather conditions!
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St George’s Day Parade 2024

After last year’s washout, it was our privilege to be invited to lead the St George’s Day Parade this year. We had a great turn out and all the young people did us proud, both in the colour party and as part of our Group. As Parade Commander Ali said ...
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Cubs at Cart Wood

Our Cubs enjoyed a fun filled morning at Cart Wood – they threw tomahawks, hung the bird boxes they made earlier in the term, and went on a bug hunt. They were also treated to some yummy smores!
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Scouts Climb High

Last week our Scouts headed off to Lower Grange Farm (Kent Scouts HQ) for an evening of climbing. We were very impressed with their skills and their confidence on some challenging walls. Well done everyone!  
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Lashings of lashings and lots of knots

Our Scouts recently had a go at building camp gadgets in teams, learning new knots and lashings along the way. They certainly made use of the principle “if you can’t tie knots, tie lots”!
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Remembrance Day

As always 2nd Tonbridge had an excellent turnout for the Remembrance Day parade and service this year, and we were very proud of everyone who came to commemorate this important occasion. During the week our younger members spent their meetings learning more about the importance of Remembrance Day, creating some ...
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Beavers welcome a VIP visitor

Our Beavers were lucky enough to be visited by Naomi, an Explorer who took part in the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea earlier this year. She kindly spoke to us about her experiences, and shared some games and activities with us. Fingers crossed some of these Beavers will be ...
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Cubs visit to Cart Wood

Tomahawk throwing, den building and pizzas were enjoyed by our Cubs on their recent visit to Cart Wood.
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Welcome to our new Cubs!

Our new Cubs were formally “invested” into the Cub pack this week, and received their group scarf, woggle and badges. Well done everyone, we look forward to enjoying lots of adventures with you all!
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