Author name: Secretary

Monopoly Live

Our scouts started the new term in style, joining hundreds of other Scouts from across the country in a real life game of Monopoly. They may not have managed to build hotels on Mayfair but they did make it to most of the locations on the board and completed a few challenges along the way. …

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Centenary Camp

To celebrate 100 years of Scouting at 2nd Tonbridge our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders all joined together for a weekend camp full of fun, friendship and remarkably good weather! Highlights included songs around the campfire, the Great Scout Bake Off, archery and water bottle rockets. Huge thanks to everyone who helped out, baked a …

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Cub Camp

At the start of half term our cubs departed for three nights in the Ashdown Forest at Broadstone Warren scout activity centre. They had a fantastic time despite some difficult weather conditions!

Cubs at Cart Wood

Our Cubs enjoyed a fun filled morning at Cart Wood – they threw tomahawks, hung the bird boxes they made earlier in the term, and went on a bug hunt. They were also treated to some yummy smores!

Scouts Climb High

Last week our Scouts headed off to Lower Grange Farm (Kent Scouts HQ) for an evening of climbing. We were very impressed with their skills and their confidence on some challenging walls. Well done everyone!  

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