
Back to basics

Our Scouts have been working on their scouting basics this half term: learning about map reading (including some nighttime orienteering), a visit from a mountain rescue expert, first aid, and experimenting with different types of outdoor cooking equipment. Next week our older scouts will put all this to good use on an expedition, we look …

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Self-powered boats

This week, making the most of the hot weather, our Cubs created and tested boats powered by elastic paddle or sails. They also squeezed in a bit of knot practice!

We’re Back!!

Welcome to a new year of Scouting adventures at 2nd Tonbridge! Our Cubs started out on Monday with a range of team building activities as they got to know the new members. We’re especially impressed with their cup stacking tower!

Chief Scout’s Gold Award

Massive congratulations to Steven, who has received his Chief Scout’s Gold Award, the highest achievement for a Scout. He was presented with his award at the end of a busy and enjoyable summer camp.


We would like to say a huge well done to our five Cubs who were awarded their Chief Scouts Silver Award this term. This is the highest award available to Cubs, and requires a Cub to earn all seven Challenge Awards and at least six activity badges during their 2 1/2 years in Cubs. They …

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Great British Summertime

It was a wet end to the summer term, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time! Beavers had a trip to Dino Golf, and Scouts played in Canoes, kayaks and SUPs. We wish everyone a lovely summer holiday and look forward to seeing you all in September.    

Games evening

Scouts spent this week’s meeting at the Sportsground playing games and getting more than a little bit soggy! With the setting sun and musical accompaniment from the Castle it was a lovely evening.

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